Thursday, December 16, 2010

Music Review

I like listening to jazz. So, I thought that this would be a good selection for today. The album that I have chosen is called The Best of Sade, obviously by the band Sade. I’m just going to give a little information about Sade, the lead singer’s background. Sade Adu is a British Nigerian R&B singer-songwriter, composer, and record producer. The English R&B band is named after Sade and was formed in 1983. The genres of that band are smooth jazz, sophsiti-pop, soul, jazz, soft rock, funk, and quiet storm.
The Best of Sade is a compilation of Sade’s first greatest hits. It was released in the year of 1994. I was born in 1994 and I grew up listening to Sade. Overall, Anyways, my top favorite song is titled “Smooth Operator”. If you like listening to jazz, I think you’ll like this song. The instruments are awesome. The tenor saxophone, guitar, bass guitar, and percussion are all there. Sade’s voice has an extremely smooth feel. It’s different.  I don’t really know how to explain it elaborately. Listen and you’ll figure it out! For those who like listening to jazz or those who don’t, I think you guy should check it out.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jay and Nick

            Jay and Nick are two very interesting characters. They both have personalities that make you question what type of person they really are. Nick is the “politician” of the story, he doesn’t take sides. He’s neutral. Nick just goes with the flow. On the other hand Jay only wants things to go the way he plans. You could say Jay doesn’t like to lose. If he wants something, he’ll strive to reach it. We all know that Nick and Jay are next-door neighbors. But in the beginning they didn’t even know one another. When Nick receives an invite to Jay’s house party, he starts to figure out who this mysterious, wealthy man is.
           We are all aware that Nick and Jay aren’t the closest of friends. They are more like acquaintance.  It is clear as day that Jay is only using Nick. Jay’s reasoning is simply he wants his past love, Daisy, back. Jay did anything to reach her again. He only bought his gigantic mansion to get Daisy’s attention. As well as hosting these parties in which strangers attend, hoping one day Daisy shows up. And that’s where Nick comes in. Nick and Daisy are cousins. So it makes sense for Jay to ask Nick a favor in inviting Daisy to tea. I believe that Jay and Nick’s “friendship” isn’t real. It’s just a matter of getting what someone wants.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

First Draft of Winter Poem

Christmas, the time snowflakes fall,
Hot chocolate’s all that’s brewed.
Sleds zooming down icy hills,
Snowmen and snowball fights,
Festive trees and colorful lights.

Christmas, the most anticipated day of the year,
Singing carols on the top of your lungs.
Bundled up from the chill of winter weather,
Everyone’s dressed in holiday sweaters,
Smiles on children’s faces.
Christmas, three days prior to my birthday,
Families gathering for a wondrous celebration,
Millions, billions, and trillions of presents,
Torn wrapping and ribbons on the floor.
Less presents each year I expect more.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thankful for a Classmate

Thanksgiving…that time of year when we all give thanks to one another. I am not very familiar with anyone from 3nd period American Literature. With the exception of Briana since I went to grade school with her. But she was never in any of my classes. It would be kind of awkward if I wrote about you people, no offense. So I thought it would be easier to write about Melanie. And yes, for the twentieth time, she is my twin sister. Just to give you guys a heads-up, this isn’t going to be some mushy blog. Anyways, I am thankful for my sister because we help each other with a lot of school work. We have the same teachers for some classes so it is sort of convenient, especially in this class. Even though it’s usually me doing most of the help, but let’s just say we equally do. For example, if I left my Literature book in my locker, I can borrow hers. Sometimes it becomes a problem when we both forgot our books…I hate it when that happens. She thinks just because we’re in the same class, I’ll always have my books and stuff…We also help each other with studying for tests and doing homework.    
I would also like to thank Carl and Jose! They make the back of the classroom pretty hilarious :).

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am a Plow.

A plow is defined as an agricultural implement used for cutting, lifting, turning over, and partly pulverizing soil. I am a plow. Metaphorically speaking that is. In reference to life, I am a plow. Every day I have to work hard in school. I have many obstacles to “cut” through. Whether it is finishing homework, surviving class lectures, waking up, arriving to school on time, keep from getting sleep-deprived, and much more. I have to overcome these daily obstacles. I also have to work hard in pleasing those around me: my parents, friends, and teachers. I have to plow through.
 When a plow is jammed or not functioning properly, that is when I am struggling. To me school is the biggest source of my struggles or stress. Obviously, there is no denying that. I am sure most of you guys can agree with me on this one. Personality wise, I am a plow. I may not look like it, but I am a very aggressive person. My friends and family think so too. When something makes me mad or someone says something I don’t like, I express my anger. I am a plow.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Class Commentary

Personally, this class is my favorite out of all the others. And I’m not trying to suck up to the teacher or anything… I like American Literature because it’s a subject that I am better at. To put it bluntly, I am better at writing than math. With writing you’re given more freedom. You can give your opinion, what you like or don’t like, etc. As for math you can only have one answer.
I think our class has more fun. It’s a really relaxed environment. I like how we do journals because it takes away from “regular” routine like the other classes. Most of the journals don’t relate to what we’re learning. So it’s nice to have a little break. I also like how we get to read individually on Thursdays. The last time I’ve had that was in the sixth grade at my grade school. I really enjoyed that and wished I had that chance to do it again. And now we canJ. I also liked how we got to watch the soccer movie. I forgot how to spell it, so I’m not going to bother. I like how we can make jokes in the class and Mr. McCarthy actually plays along or vice versa. (Unlike other teachers.) I don’t necessarily like the book we have to read for grades.  

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Day Slavery?

I believe that modern day slavery is cruel treatment. It is a wrong and shameful act. When people think slavery they automatically think the African Americans that were taken from their homes and forced to work for white families on plantations. When asked does slavery still exist, some might be questionable. The answer is yes. I define slavery as the act of a person forcing another to do work against their will. Some foreign countries today still practice slavery.
Most modern day slaves are under debt bondage or an arrangement whereby a person is forced to pay off a loan with direct labor in place of currency, over an agreed or obscure period of time. This is usually the reason why young women and children enter the world of slavery. Asian and African countries still hold slaves. Children work in factories earning a minimum wage. Human trafficking is another form of modern day slavery. It is the illegal trade of humans for forced labor or for sexual purposes. Prostitution is the primary industry in human trafficking.
In conclusion, any form of slavery, whether it is from the past or present is malicious and self-righteous. One just wants to feel superior to those below them. And those who are the victims of slavery should be able to express what they want.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Interesting Tidbits

Salem, Massachusetts was where the "witches" were at. Obviously, the witch trials were the most historical event that had taken place. Did you know that some of America’s first millionaires lived in Salem, Massachusetts? Most people earned their money from overseas trade. The trade brought much cargo and money. Salem’s wealth is also expressed through their different types of architecture and museums. Salem’s industries consisted of trade, shipbuilding, and fishing.  

Puritans were strong believers of demonic forces in the time period of the witchcraft trials. Many Puritan pastors had performed exorcisms in very high-profiled situations. They performed exorcisms on people who were possessed by the devil or displayed any demon-like actions. Puritan roots still influence present-day society in America by the use of exorcisms. For example, many horror movies are based on exorcisms. And in these types of movies a pastor is usually the ones getting rid of the devil.

The House of the Seven Gables was built in the year 1668. The mansion is the oldest standing 17th century wooden structure in England. The House of the Seven Gables was the inspiration for author Nathaniel Hawthorne famous book. The book was named after the mansion itself. The house that Hawthorne was born was moved to The House of the Seven Gables and is a few feet away from the historical mansion.    

Friday, October 22, 2010

Realization of an American

I knew I was an American when I couldn’t speak Tagalog. That is the language my family speaks besides English because we are Filipino. When I was younger, my parents tried speaking to me in Tagalog but I just didn’t want to learn. My maternal grandmother rarely spoke to me in Tagalog because she wanted to learn English. She would only teach me simple words and games. It is always easier to learn other languages when you’re younger. That is one enormous mistake I have made. I regret it, a lot.
Another obvious reason is I am an American citizen. I was born in Chicago, Illinois. And I have lived here all my life. I have never been to the Philippines. Kind of sad, isn’t it? Oh well, I’ll go someday. Anyways, back to the point. My mother told me that I’m lucky to be born as an American. Unlike her, I am automatically a citizen of the United States. It took my parents and elder brother five years to get their citizenship.
It sucks not being able to understand my family’s conversations. I’m jealous that my cousins can eavesdrop on the adults to get some family gossip or drama. So I always have to ask them for some juicy news. But I can understand simple Tagalog. My brother only taught me the bad words when I was little. No swear words though. If only I can pick up a language quickly. That’s all up to me. I am Filipino-American.   

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Drive to Death

What drives a conflict with no solution that leads to death? I think that all depends on the scenario taking place. If a problem is completely unsolvable, you have to end it immediately. In my opinion, if I was stuck with a conflicting person or problem, I would want to get rid of it. I consider myself to be very impatient and easily annoyed. For example, in The Crucible Danforth got so fed up with the whole witchcraft hysteria that killed innocent people. Danforth hung people for the sake of “resolution”.

Another reason for death is those who are in authority. But this way of ending conflicts isn’t always a bad thing. For instance, doctors are people with authority. Say a patient’s life is on the verge of death, the doctor might think putting them to sleep would be better. In doing this, the patient won’t suffer with anymore pain. The family and friends would probably think that’s the right decision to make. The police are also an example of authority. In dangerous situations where someone is loaded with weapons and harming bystanders, the police have no choice but to take action. If things get out of hand, the police might have to shoot the person down. They are doing so for safety reasons.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor: Stooge or Hero?

I believe John Proctor is a hero.  John Proctor had committed an irrefutable act. He cheated on his wife Elizabeth. To be more specific, John had an affair with their former servant Abigail. In Salem, only three people knew of this and that would be John, Elizabeth, and Abigail. In his little Christian community, he had sinned big time. John tries to avoid Abigail and only have eyes for his wife. He convinces himself that the past is behind him. But Abigail says she “knows” him. Abigail tells him that both of them have heat for each other. She believes what they have isn’t over. John then confesses that he has noticed her.
When the time came for Mary Warner’s testimony, John tried to cover up his little affair with Abigail. He tried hard to keep it hidden by calling Abigail a fraud. But in the end, John failed to keep it a secret. By confessing his sins to the court full of people, he managed to muster up the courage to do so. When his wife tried to save him, he just cut her off and said it’s too late. There was no use in telling anymore lies. The truth was spoken. John is a man of pride and courage. He won’t let his life be swallowed up in concealment forever.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

The sermon by Jonathan Edwards captures the image of Hell very clearly. He explains this Christian view of Hell with much emotion and meaning behind his words. He describes Hell as an actual and functional place. Edwards’ sermon is basically about the Great Awakening, which was a religious movement where people needed the salvation of Christ. He explains that if people had little or no belief in Christ, they would struggle. The main point of the sermon is humans were given a chance by God to correct the sins that they have committed. In a nutshell, all decisions were made up to God.
            In the text it reads, "There is nothing that keeps wicked men at any one moment out of hell, but the mere pleasure of God." Jonathan Edward also writes with such cruelty and bluntness. I think his way of thinking is like a twisted and enraged version of the Ten Commandments. Kind of. It’s like he saying every little thing a person does has to be just right. And if you step out of line for even a second, you will be punished. His sermon is similar to Calvinism, a theological approach to Christianity. A major key element in Calvinism is predestination. This means God has already determined whether you go to Heaven or Hell.  

There Goes The Neighborhood

My Neighborhood

So, I'm a Northsider. I specifically live on
Orchard Street
in Lincoln Park. I literally live straight down from Lincoln Park High School. Man, it would be a WHOLE lot easier if I went there...just a few steps away. I am just saying. Anyways back to the point, generally my block's majority is made up of Caucasian people. Excluding my family and I. You really don't see too many colored people living on Orchard. Until recently I have noticed that an old Chinese (I think he's Chinese) man has moved on the block.                                                         
My sister and I were excited to see someone who is of different ethnicity living here. Every time this man was in our sight we'd say, "IT'S THE CHINESE MAN!!!” My parents casually laughed at this. But that all changed when they figured out he has a dog. He owns a bulldog to be exact. Of course, my sister and I didn't mind the Chinese man or his dog. We'd see him walking his dog and politely wave. But my parents weren't quite convinced. For the past few weeks, we've found and smelled piles of dog doo-doo in the front of our house. I thought that this person, whoever he or she may be is being disrespectful. My parents kept telling me it was the Chinese man. But I didn't want to believe them. Finally, my mom caught him and yelled from our kitchen window to pick his dog poop up. And he did. I have to have more trust in my parents. Lately, I only see him walking around the neighborhood...
There goes the neighborhood!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Background

Hi, my name is Rose Valdez. I'm turning sixteen this December and lived in Chicago all my life. I have two siblings, an older brother and a twin sister. She also goes to Whitney Young. I went to Abraham Lincoln Elementary and I still keep in touch with my old classmates. People think I'm Mexican but I'm not, I'm Filipino. Don't get those two mixed's annoying. I like doing anything that seems fun, especially roller coasters. I can't handle scary movies but I watch them anyways.