Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jay and Nick

            Jay and Nick are two very interesting characters. They both have personalities that make you question what type of person they really are. Nick is the “politician” of the story, he doesn’t take sides. He’s neutral. Nick just goes with the flow. On the other hand Jay only wants things to go the way he plans. You could say Jay doesn’t like to lose. If he wants something, he’ll strive to reach it. We all know that Nick and Jay are next-door neighbors. But in the beginning they didn’t even know one another. When Nick receives an invite to Jay’s house party, he starts to figure out who this mysterious, wealthy man is.
           We are all aware that Nick and Jay aren’t the closest of friends. They are more like acquaintance.  It is clear as day that Jay is only using Nick. Jay’s reasoning is simply he wants his past love, Daisy, back. Jay did anything to reach her again. He only bought his gigantic mansion to get Daisy’s attention. As well as hosting these parties in which strangers attend, hoping one day Daisy shows up. And that’s where Nick comes in. Nick and Daisy are cousins. So it makes sense for Jay to ask Nick a favor in inviting Daisy to tea. I believe that Jay and Nick’s “friendship” isn’t real. It’s just a matter of getting what someone wants.

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